Times: Tuesday 8am – noon, Friday 1pm – 5pm

Place: Building 127, room 119 

Responsible: Simon Furbo, Building 119, room 107, phone: 45 25 18 57, email:

No. Date Teacher Lecture Note

1 31/01 SF Energy resources, solar energy, solar radiation -  Exersise 1, 2
2 03/02 SF Heat demand, hot water systems and heat storage - Exercise  3, 4
3 07/02 SF Heat storage - Exercise 
4 10/02 SF Solar heating systems for hot water supply and low flowsolar 
heating systems - Exercise  5, 6
5 14/02       SF Solar collector types, materials, selective surfaces - Exercise  7, 8
6 17/02 JF Solar collector efficiency, theory -  Exercise 9, 10
7 21/02 JF Solar collector efficiency, theory - Exercise 
8 24/02 JF Solar collector efficiency, theory - Exercise 
9 28/02 SF Tests of solar collectors - Exercise 11
10 03/03 JD Simulation of solar heating systems - Assignment 1 start 12, 13
11 07/03 JD Simulation of solar heating systems 
12 10/03 SF Experience for small solar heating systems tested 14 
in the laboratory 
13 14/03 SF Experience for small solar heating systems in practice,
midway evaluation  15, 16
14 17/03 STUD Thermal performance of solar heating systems 
15 21/03 STUD Thermal performance of solar heating systems 
16 24/03 AW POLYSUN 17
17 28/03 EAN Planning of large solar heating systems - Assignment 1 stop/
Assignment 2 start 
18 31/03 EAN Large solar collector fields  18
19 04/04 EAN Large solar heating systems - experience from practice 19
20 07/04 EAN Solar heating systems for combined space heating and 
domestic hot water supply  20
21 18/04 SF Excursion 
22 21/04 JEN Solar heating plants in smart district heating - 
combination of technologies  21, 22
23 25/04 SF Solar heating plants and seasonal heat storage -  Exercise 
24 28/04 JF  Solar collector fields - Assignment 2 stop 
25 02/05 JF Optimization of solar heating plants - Exercise 
26 05/05 SF Research and development, course evaluation - Quiz 

Teachers: SF: Simon Furbo, Building 119, room 103, phone: 1857, e-mail:
EAN: Elsa Andersen, Building 119, room 105, phone: 1901, email:
JD: Janne Dragsted, Building 119, room 119, phone: 1862, email: 
JF: Jianhua Fan, Building 119, room 107, phone: 1889, email:
AW: Andreas Wolf, Vela Solaris, Switzerland
JEN: Jan Erik Nielsen, SolarKey Int.
STUD: Presentations of assignments