
Minutes of 2. meeting for Sino-Danish research project: “Optimization of solar space heating & water heating combisystems applied in buildings”, December 16, 2010.



Dunzhi Zhu, Beijing SUNDA Company and Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute

Zinian He, Beijing SUNDA Company and Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute

Tao Tao, Beijing Institute of Technology

Jiqin Zhu. Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Elsa Andersen, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Jianhua Fan, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Ziqian Chen, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Simon Furbo, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark



    1. Welcome, presentation round and acceptance of agenda
    2. Acceptance of minutes from kick-off meeting
    3. Status and plans for activities at Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute and Beijing Sunda Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd
    4. Status and plans for activities at Beijing Institute of Technology
    5. Status and plans for activities at Beijing University of Chemical Technology
    6. Status and plans for activities at Technical University of Denmark
    7. Project homepage
    8. Time table
    9. Personal exchange plans 2011
    10. Miscellaneous
    11. Next meeting


1.     Welcome, presentation round and acceptance of agenda

The above mentioned agenda was accepted after a presentation round.


 2.   Acceptance of minutes from kick-off meeting  

The minutes were accepted.


3.   Status and plans for activities at Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute and Beijing Sunda Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd

The solar transmittances for two Teflon foils from an old and from a new solar collector have been measured to 0.925 and 0.95. The design of a flat plate collector with two covers has been determined.


Research and development on the collector will be continued in 2011. Also research, development and demonstration on solar combi systems will be carried out in 2011. Dunzhi Zhu’s phase report is available on the project homepage.


4.   Status and plans for activities at Beijing Institute of Technology  

A CFD model for a tank in tank heat storage has been developed. With the model pressures, water velocities and temperatures are calculated for all parts of the heat storage.


In 2011 parameter analyses will be carried out with the developed model in order to determine the optimal design of the heat storage. The phase report from Beijing Institute of Technology is available on the project homepage.    


5.   Status and plans for activities at Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Investigation on PCMs based on different ionic liquids have been carried out. A patent application has been filed.


Investigations on the heat of fusion, supercooling and stability for a few promising PCMs will be carried out in 2011. Jiqin Zhu’s presentation is available on the project homepage.


6.   Status and plans for activities at Technical University of Denmark

Maximum solar collector temperatures for Danish weather conditions have been calculated for different collector tilts and collector azimuths for three evacuated tubular solar collectors: SEIDO 1-16, SEIDO 5-16 and SEIDO 10-20. It should be noted that the collector tilt must be higher than 15°, since the collectors are based on the heat pipe principle. The maximum temperatures are for all collectors, tilts and azimuths higher than the boiling point of normal used propylene glycol/water mixtures in typical pressurized solar collector loops.


In 2011 experiments will be carried out with the three collectors in order to determine the efficiencies, the drain back behaviour and the stagnation behaviour. Also tests with a heat storage with a fabric inlet stratifier will be carried out in order to elucidate how the inlet stratifier works with water entering the stratifier at the bottom and at the top. Further, a laboratory solar combi system will be investigated, theoretically by means of TRNSYS calculations and experimentally by means of measurements in a test facility. A demonstration system will also be installed in 2011. Ziqian Chen’s presentation is available on the project homepage. 


7.   Project homepage

Jianhua Fan informed about the project homepage.


The homepage includes information on the plans, time table and activities of the project inclusive the minutes and presentations from the kick-off meeting. The reports, presentations and minutes from this meeting are also available on the homepage.


Any future papers, articles, presentations and other material on the project can be emailed to Jianhua Fan, so that he can place it on the homepage.


8.   Time table

It is not needed to change the time table of the project.


9.   Personal exchange plans 2011

Two researchers from Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute will visit the Technical University of Denmark for a period of about 1 month in May-June. They will carry out numerical investigations and experimental investigations. A workshop on the research project will be organized during the stay.


Two researchers from Technical University of Denmark will visit the Chinese partners of the project for a period of about 1.5 weeks in July, August or October. During the visit a workshop focused on European solar combi systems will be organized.


The dates for the visits will be determined by means of email correspondence.


10.   Miscellaneous

The project proposal on research on air collectors was unfortunately rejected. The SolarVenti air collector will therefore not be tested in China in the near future.


11.   Next meeting

The next project meeting will be organized in China in connection with the visits by the researchers from Denmark.



Simon Furbo