
Minutes of kick-off meeting for Sino-Danish research project: “Optimization of solar space heating & water heating combisystems applied in buildings”, July 21-23, 2010.



Dunzhi Zhu, Beijing SUNDA Company and Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute

Zinian He, Beijing SUNDA Company and Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute

Hongfei Zheng, Beijing Institute of Technology

Jiqin Zhu. Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Elsa Andersen, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Jianhua Fan, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Ziqian Chen, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Simon Furbo, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark



    1. Welcome
    2. Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Beijing Solar Energy  Research Institute and Beijing Sunda Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd
    3. Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Beijing Institute of Technology
    4. Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Beijing University of Chemical Technology
    5. Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Technical University of Denmark
    6. Project plans: Solar collector investigations in Denmark and China
    7. Project plans: Heat storage investigations in Denmark and China
    8. Project plans: Solar combi system investigations in Denmark and China
    9. Project plans: Demonstration solar combi system in Denmark and China
    10. Project homepage
    11. Time table of project
    12. Personal exchange plans
    13. Miscellaneous
    14. Next (video?) meeting
    15. Visit to the solar heating test facilities of Technical University of Denmark
    16. Future cooperation in other fields?


1.     Welcome

The above mentioned agenda was accepted.


 2.   Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute and Beijing Sunda Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd

Zinian He gave a state of the art presentation on solar thermal uitilization in China. 75% of the solar collectors installed worldwide are installed in China. Dunzhi Zhu presented earlier Chinese work on design and monitoring of solar combi systems. Differently designed systems have been tested in the past. The presentations are attached to the minutes of the meeting.


3.   Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Beijing Institute of Technology

Hongfei Zheng presented the solar energy research at Beijing Institute of Technology. The research covers a high number of different areas. The presentation is attached to the minutes of the meeting.


4.   Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Jiqin Zhu presented his research on PCM heat storage for solar heating systems. The focus is on ionic liquids as PCM materials. The presentation is attached to the minutes of the meeting.   


5.   Presentation of solar heating research, development and demonstration activities at Technical University of Denmark

Simon Furbo presented the solar heating activities at the Technical University of Denmark. The presentation is attached to the minutes of the meeting.


6.   Project plans: Solar collector investigations in Denmark and China

In Denmark 3 evacuated tubular solar collectors will be tested: SEIDO 1-16, SEIDO 5-16 and SEIDO 10-20. Water will be used as the solar collector fluid and the collector tilt will be 90°, since the aim of the project is to develop a drain back solar combi system. The solar collector efficiency and transversal and longitudinal incidence angle modifiers will be determined. Further, the drain back behaviour and the stagnation behaviour will be investigated. Furthermore, the theoretical maximum solar collector temperatures will be calculated for vertically installed solar collectors for Danish weather conditions.


In China flat plate collectors with 2 covers, a glass and a Teflon foil, will be developed. The collector will be tested in order to determine the collector efficiency and the incidence angle modifier. The collector will be tested with water as solar collector fluid, since the aim also in China is to develop a drain back solar combi system.  


7.   Project plans: Heat storage investigations in Denmark and China

In Denmark the aim is to develop a drain back solar combi system with a tank in tank heat storage with a high degree of thermal stratification. The outer pressureless tank will be equipped with inlet stratifiers both in the solar collector loop and in the space heating loop. It will be investigated if inlet stratifiers works with the inlet located at the top of the store. In this way the outer tank can work as the drain back tank. If the stratifiers do not work in a good way with the inlet at the top a separate drain back tank will be installed in the solar collector loop between the solar collector and the heat storage, and the inlet from the collector to the stratifier of the solar collector loop will be located at the bottom of the store.


In China investigations on a tank-in-tank heat storage will be carried out in order to determine a suitable volume and design of the storage. Among other things numerical simulations such as CFD calculations will be carried out and a storage will be tested in the laboratory. At Technical University of Denmark investigations in this field were carried out earlier. A part of the work is described in the report R-025 “Heat transfer in a “tank-in-tank” combi store”, which can be downloaded from: http://www.byg.dtu.dk/Forskning/hentned.aspx. Also SPF in Switzerland has worked/is working in this field.


8.   Project plans: Solar combi system investigations in Denmark and China

In Denmark a solar combi system based on the investigations of collectors and heat storage will be built and tested in a laboratory test facility for solar heating systems. A TRNSYS model will be developed and validated by means of the tests. TRNSYS calculations will be carried out with the validated model in order to determine the optimal designs of solar combi systems for different houses.


In China a solar combi system will be tested in the laboratory. A researcher will visit Technical University of Denmark to learn TRNSYS.


9.   Project plans: Demonstration solar combi system in Denmark and China

A demonstration solar combi system will be installed in a one family house both in China and in Denmark. The designs and sizes of the systems will be based on the results of the laboratory investigations of the components and the laboratory solar combi systems.


The houses where the solar heating systems will be installed must be identified as soon as possible. In this way measurements of the energy consumption for the houses can be carried out both before and after installation of the solar combi systems. Consequently, the energy savings of the solar combi systems can be directly determined.


10.   Project homepage

A homepage for the project will be prepared by the Technical University of Denmark in the autumn 2010.  Both the Danish and the Chinese activities of the project will be presented. Beijing SUNDA Company, Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute, Beijing Institute of Technology and Beijing University of Chemical Technology will work out short English descriptions of their activities and Technical University of Denmark will work out a short description of the Danish activities.


11.   Time table of project

The time table of the project was discussed and agreed upon. The time table appear from the document “Sino-Danish research projects within clean sustainable and renewable energy. Working plan & fund budget”. The document is attached to the minutes of the meeting.


12.   Personal exchange plans

The plan for personal exchange was discussed and agreed upon.

Two researchers from Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute Co. Ltd will visit the Technical University of Denmark for about 1 month each to carry out numerical investigations and to carry out experimental investigations. Both visits will be carried out in 2011. During the last visit a workshop on the research project will be organised.


2 researchers from Technical University of Denmark will in 2011 visit the Chinese partners of the project for a period of about 1.5 weeks. During the visit preliminary results of the project will be exchanged, and a workshop with focus on European solar combi systems will be organised.


2 researchers from Technical University of Denmark will in 2012 visit the Chinese partners of the project for a period of about 1.5 weeks. During the visit the thermal performance of the demonstration solar combi systems will be evaluated.


13.   Miscellaneous

Simon Furbo gave a separate presentation on the research carried out at the Technical University of Denmark on seasonal heat storage based on a stable super cooling salt hydrate. The presentation is attached to the minutes of the meeting.


13.   Next (video?) meeting

The next project meeting will be organized in December 2010, either as a skype meeting or a video meeting. The meeting will focus on the status and plans of the project.


14.   Visit to the solar heating test facilities of Technical University of Denmark

A visit to the indoor and outdoor test facilities on solar heating at the Technical University of Denmark was organised. The test facilities for solar collectors, heat stores and solar heating systems which will be used in the project were shown.


15.   Future cooperation in other fields?

A possible new research project on air collectors was discussed. The activities of the project could be: Test methods for air collectors, test methods for PV/T (air) collectors, laboratory test facilities for air collectors and PV/T collectors, laboratory tests of air collectors and PV/T collectors, theoretical investigations on air collectors and demonstration systems, both in China and Denmark.  The Danish participants in the project could be Technical University of Denmark and SolarVenti A/S. Dunzhi Zhu will investigate the interest and possibilities for Chinese partners in the project. The deadline for submission of the application for the Danish part of the project is September 9, 2010. Dunzhi Zhu will inform Jianhua Fan about the situation in China in the middle of August 2010, so that the Danish application can be prepared during the second half of August 2010.



Simon Furbo